Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Gunpowder: THe Building of an Empire

For our next unit you will be working on writing a DBQ over the Ottoman, Savadid, Mughal Empires. To do this, building some background knowledge is important, and for this we turn to our dear friend - John Green and Crash Course World History. The video below cover how trade helped build the wealth of the Ottoman Empire, and how working with the Renaissance city of Venice, the Ottoman build an empire not just with guns but economics!

And now for some background information on the Mughal Empire of India.

Remember on Wednesday, in class, we will cover the documents! You need to have read all 8 documents, and be able to tell me ...
1. Is the document pertaining to the rise (or building) of an empire?
2. Is the document pertaining to the fall (or decline) of an empire?
3. Which empire is the document referencing?
4. How can you prove this?

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