Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly: The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution changed society and business, not always in the most glorious of ways. Yes, there were lots of new developments, new jobs, new wealth. But as we talk about with all things dealing with economics - nothing comes free. From now to Spring Break, we will look at the Industrial Revolution - the good (new inventions!) and the bad (new pollution) and the ugly (child labor and death).

Wednesday and Thursday - it's the Urban Game!
We'll take a very quick journey from a small rural village to a urban center of industry, while looking at the social impact along the way.

Starting Friday - We'll become Time Lords! We will fire up the Tardis and travel back to the Industrial Revolution, taking a modern technology with us, and help solve a particular problem of the Industrial Revolution (that'll you'll identify) and then project forward how that would impact both that time period and the future (time can be a wibbly-wobbly-timey-whimy thing). More detail on this particular assignment to come, so check back on Friday.

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