Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fire Up the Tardis, Time to Fly through History

We have covered a LOT of history this semester, from the birth of civilizations in Mesopotamia to the emergence of Nation States in Europe in the Middle Ages, with some stops in Asia and Africa along the way.
For your semester exam review you will create the GREATEST TIMELINE OF ALL TIME!

For this review you will get to work with up to 2 partners (so 3 to a group max), to include all of the following either within your timeline.

Persons of Interest

  • Sumerians
  • Hammurabi
  • Tutankhamen
  • Cleopatra VII
  • Darius
  • Immortals
  • Gautama
  • Aryabhata
  • Shang Dynasty
  • Confucius
  • Zhou Dynasty
  • Qin Dynasty
  • Homer
  • Aristotle
  • Socrates
  • Plato
  • Alexander the Great
  • Julius Caesar
  • Nero
  • Constantine
  • Marco Polo
  • Genghis Khan
  • Mongol Dynasty
  • Duo Fu
  • William of Normandy
  • bourgeoisie
  • Pope Gregory Vii
  • Henry IV
  • Pope Boniface VIII
  • King Phillip IV

Events in Time

  • Trojan War
  • Persian War
  • Hellenistic Era
  • Punic Wars
  • Battle of Hastings
  • Black Death
  • Crusades


  • Mesopotamia
  • Uruk
  • Babylon
  • Nile River Valley
  • Persian Empire
  • Indus River Valley
  • Silk Road
  • Great Wall
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Aegean Sea
  • Athens
  • Sparta
  • Rome
  • Carthage
  • Jerusalem
  • Papal States


  • ziggurat
  • patriarchal
  • polytheistic
  • pharaoh
  • hieroglyphics
  • Caste System
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Mandate of Heaven
  • Confucianism
  • Daoism
  • epic poem
  • democracy
  • polis
  • mythology
  • philosophy
  • republic
  • Twelve Tables
  • triumvirate
  • scholar-gentry
  • popes
  • monk
  • feudalism
  • vassal
  • chivalry
  • Magna Carta
  • Great Schism
You will create a timeline (it'll be BIG, my advice - use butcher paper) covering ALL of the people and events. For each you'll need a PICTURE and DESCRIPTION!! Within the description you will correctly use ALL of the TERMS!! Also you will need to include maps showing ALL of the PLACES listed above.

So your timeline will include
        1. All of the PEOPLE and EVENTS
        2. DESCRIPTIONS of the people and events in which you correctly use the TERMS
        3. PICTURES for each person and event that go along with the descriptions.
        4. MAPS of ALL the PLACES

This will take time and work!