Sunday, November 30, 2014

Voyage to Middle Ages

For the Middle Ages (Ch. 10 in your textbook) you have been challenged.

I challenge you to make a word puzzle, of the following terms. Here are the rules you will play by …
  1. Your puzzle must use ALL of the terms/people/events listed below
  2. Linked terms WILL intersect
    1. Do NOT have unrelated terms intersect!
  3. You will write your OWN clues
    1. clues will be short (NOT a full definition)
    2. clues will directly reference the term/person/event
    3. clues will be time period specific (this is the Middle Ages, so your clue should not reference anything outside of the Middle Ages!)
  4. Your puzzle must be solvable! You and your classmates will switch puzzles to test this!
  5. You will hand draw your puzzle (I’ll provide gridded paper), clues can be typed or hand-written.

Here is your list of terms/people/events …
  • serf
  • feudalism
  • manor
  • guild
  • apprentice
  • journeymen
  • Robin Hood
  • Catholic
  • Papal States
  • Henry V (of England)
  • Taille
  • Louis XI
  • Money Economy
  • Barter
  • Patricians
  • Henry IV (of Germany)
  • Pope Gregory VII
  • Concordat of Worms
  • Hersey
  • Franciscans
  • Joan of Arc
  • Trade
  • Dominicans
  • Saint Francis of Assisi
  • Cathedral
  • Theology
  • Black Death
  • Pope Boniface VIII
  • King Philip IV (of France)
  • Avignon
  • Rome
  • Great Schism

Things within the parenthesis are not part of the term/person/event for you puzzle, just for clarification purposes.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Catching Up with Asia's Dynasties

For this mini-unit on China and Japan, covering the time period from 581 BC to 1477 BC, you will ...

  • Create two (yes, 2) timelines
  • Identify the people and terms listed below
  • Complete a reading quiz on WEDNESDAY!! in class

Now for the details ...

READING QUIZ (1 Minor Grade)
  • For Wednesday, Nov. 19th, have read (and taking notes is encouraged) pp. 247 to 267

  • In Google Classroom, you will find an assignment labeled China/Japan Terms, this will need to be completed by Friday and turned in via Google Classroom. Remember, when we identify terms and people, it is not just a simple definition, and it MUST BE IN YOUR OWN words! Do NOT copy and paste!! Read, think, analyze, and then write your OWN summaries of the people and terms.

TIMELINES (1 Major Grade)
You will create 2 timelines - 1 for China and 1 for Japan, both covering the same time period 581 BC to 1477 BC. Your timelines will cover certain Dynasties or Empires of each country (list will be below). For each Dynasty, on the timeline you will include ...
        • The years it covered
        • Map showing the empire's/dynasty's realm of influence
        • An example of Art (either from the time period or influenced by the time period)
        • Any important innovations that occurred during that dynasty (major building projects, new technologies, new ideas, new forms of government, new ideas on religion/philosophy)
For each of the above, you need a picture and a short (250 characters or less) description.

For China, your timeline will include ...
  • Sui Dynasty
  • Song Dynasty
  • Mongol Empire (under Genghis Khan rule)
  • Yuan Dynasty
For Japan, your timeline will include ...
  • Shotoku Tainshi Period
  • Heian Period
  • Kamakura Shogunate
  • Onin War years (for the map, show the major warring clans)
This mini-unit project, including ALL parts in due Friday Nov. 21!!

In addition to your book (see Ch. 8) here are a few videos to help you gather information ...