Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Crash Course with the Byzantine Empire

For the Byzantine Empire, your job will be to create a Crash Course style video covering the rise, rule, and fall of the Byzantine Empire.

Step 1: Watch
  • To get a feel of the style and amount of ‘history’ that is covered in an episode of Crash Course
    • Take note of visuals (amount and how they are used)
    • Take note of the use of humor (amount and types) to keep the audience’s attention and help prove arguments
    • ‘Side’ jokes
      • Don’t just copy John Green’s, make some of your own. Use this to show your personality.
  • Links to Episodes

Step 2: The Gathering
  • Your Crash Course will cover the Byzantine Empire (the real John Green covers this in episode #12 of World History, kinda). You need to make sure to cover …
    • The Establishment of the empire
    • It’s Rule
      • Was is really a new empire or just Rome 2.0?
      • Laws
      • Economy
      • WAR!
    • It’s Fall
    • Art
      • Examples
      • Importance of
      • This is more than just paintings (though they are very pretty), but also sculpture and architecture
    • Religion
      • Role of religion in society and rule
      • Which religion?
    • Society
      • Was it a pleasant place to live? Why or why not?
  • Visuals
    • Hopefully you noticed it watching the episodes that Crash Course uses lots of visuals to prove/show points - you need to do the same.
      • Have visuals, know what they are, what they show, and why they support your episode

**Everybody, this means everybody, is responsible for completing Step 2 (there will be a separate page of more detailed items to cover) individually**

Step 3: What’s My Role?
  1. Script Writer: This person is in charge of (not solely responsible though) for writing the script. Making sure it makes sense and is turned in on time. Again, everybody should have an active role in writing the script, this person is just the head writer.
  2. Lead Actor: You’re the pretty face, actually you are more than the pretty face, of the project. You will be the person in front of the camera, playing the role of John Green (use your own name or character name). But you are also in charge of making sure that the filming is getting done, and done on time.
  3. Director: You’re in charge of the ‘vision’ and ‘direction’ of the project. What the project looks like and that it covers the needed material. You are also in charge of logistics - the order of filming, and use of visuals. Also in charge of making sure the editing is done and video is completed on time.

  • If your group has 4 members (this must be pre-approved by Mr. Moulden), you’ll have co-directors and a second actor.

Step 4: Get it DONE!
  • Information sheet will be due, via Google Classroom, Monday 11/3 at beginning of class
    • Individual Minor Grade
  • Script due, via handwritten or Google Classroom, Tue 11/4 at end of class
    • ½ of Project Major Grade
  • Completed video, shared with Mr. Moulden by 4pm Friday 11/7
    • ½ of Project Major Grade
  • Due on Friday 11/7 at end of class, via Google Classroom: Quiz or questions that can be completed while viewing your video.
    • ½ of Minor Grade
  • Students will watch other video projects and answer the questions that correspond with those videos
    • ½ of Minor Grade

**Filming and editing will take longer than you think - plan accordingly!

Script (worth 50 points)
  1. Did the script cover all the required material? Total 20 points
    1. Yes, with support and evidence (including references to visuals) 16 to 20 points
    2. Yes, with support but limited evidence 11 to 15 points
    3. Yes, with no or limited support 6 to 10 points
    4. What’s the topic again? 0 to 5 points
  2. Did the script help or hurt the overall product? Total 15 points
    1. Helps, the script gave a solid foundation for a good video 11 to 15 points
    2. Both, decent script but will need a strong actor to create a good video 6 to 10 points
    3. Hurt, hoping for Oscar worthy performance to make a miracle happen 0 to 5 points
  3. Did the script make sense? Total 15 points
    1. Yes, reading the script let’s me know about the Byzantine Empire in logical order 11 to 15 points
    2. Yes, reading the script I know about the Byzantine Empire, but editing will have to help make the video make sense 6 to 10 points
    3. No, what the Byzantine Empire again? 0 to 5 points

Video (worth 50 points)

  1. Does the video cover the required material? 20 points
    1. Yes, with visual support 16 to 20 points
    2. Yes, with examples but limited visual support 11 to 15 points
    3. Yes, but with no/limited support 6 to 10 support
    4. What’s the video over? 0 to 5 points
  2. Does the video make sense, is it organized in a way that the audience can follow easily?    20 points
    1. Yes, I can easily know and follow  the info and arguments made 14 to 20 points
    2. Sort of, I know you covered the topic and required material but it was hard to follow the video 9 to 13 points
    3. What’s the video over? 0 to 8 points
  3. Is the video appealing to watch? 10 points
    1. Yes, Good use/mix of humor and facts with good use of visuals 9 to 10 points
    2. Yes, but limited visuals to support 7 to 8 points
    3. No, too dry or too much humor but had visuals 4 to 6 points
    4. What’s the video over? 0 to 3 points